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WarBOT 1.6b ReadMe

Subject: Warlords II Warbot Application

WarBOT 1.6 beta ReadMe, 5-Nov-98

*** This is a beta version and not all functions are fully implemented! ***

General WarBOT development has been taken over by Marek Konieczny. 
Thanks Marek!  The Battle Calculations engine is still maintained by Mike Leung.
Documentation and distribution are handled by Bob Heeter.

*** Please email comments and bug reports to
	Marek Konieczny ,
	Mike Leung , and
	Bob Heeter 

General Notes:

(1) New Features in 1.6:
-> Support for any army set!!!  Click the "maintain" button, then "import"...
-> Army set stats files must be generated by hand in tab-delimited text format 
   (Use the "erythea.txt" and "roundeb1.txt" files as samples.)
-> If you generate new army set files, please send them in so they can
   be included in the general distribution for everyone to use!

(2) New Features in 1.5:
-> You can now load and save stacks for use in other battles.
   (Be sure to check that the items and other customizations are set properly!)
-> You can now switch stacks to compare offense vs. defense!
   (Be sure to adjust the terrain as necessary!)
-> Although navies cannot receive bonuses, we've proven that they are
   able to confer bonuses upon non-naval units.  A demon or devil navy will
   still cancel the bonus of flying enemy allies or heroes (respectively);
   elephant navies will still reduce the strength of enemy non-naval units;
   any navy with a stack bonus will still confer that bonus upon non-naval
   units in the attacking stack (like flying units).
-> You can now "bless" units by clicking on simple arrow buttons.
-> The Quick entry feature is now more efficient; you can use the keyboard.
-> There is a "Custom Fight Order" feature allowing you to arrange
   stacks at will. (Only use this if you get into a strange situation where
   WarBOT doesn't match a new Warlords quirk; please let us know if you
   ever need to use it.)
-> The Mac, Windows, and DOS versions all have identical features now.

(3) Future Features that aren't quite ready yet:
   (We wanted to get the battle odds fixed, so this was released early.)
-> Load in saved battles / check emailed WarBOT reports.

(4) WarBOT 1.5 and 1.6 are identical in handling battles, so either one
may be used.

-- Bob Heeter, on behalf of the WarBOT team

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Legal and Historical Disclaimers:

This site began in 1994 as Eugene Lee's Warlords II Home Page in Australia. It has evolved steadily since then, and now includes material by a variety of authors, including Bob Heeter, Eugene Lee, Elam Birnbaum, Glen Barnett, Dirk Pellett, Vern Vaillancourt, Gary Best, and others where indicated. A number of graphics are copyright by SSG; copyright and other rights to the Web source are reserved by the appropriate authors. (This site is not the Official Warlords Site by SSG.)