Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 11:38:28 +0100
From: Derek Baird  (by way of Tournament Headquarters)
Subject: WTWT: Round A - LET THE WARS BEGIN!!!

Mighty Warlord...

You lie in bed on a beautiful autumn evening. As you rest from
the travails of the current campaign, a misty fog forms in the
chill of the evening air. The fog seeps into your mind... you sleep...

... and you dream!

You dream of knights, warriors, wizards, and battles remaining
to be fought.  Visions of demons and dragons, archons and devils
fill your mind's eye.  And in your dreams, you contemplate the maps
you have seen.  Especially the map for your upcoming campaign,
the Olympic Wars, Round A of the glorious tournament!

You recall its familiar look - indeed, it looks a lot like the
lands of the Practice Round!  But as you think about it more
carefully, you realize that THIS campaign will not be like the
Practice Round!!!  Its changes and complications are astounding!
Yes, you know what it looks like, and you know which part you will
command, but you are not exactly sure HOW you will play it now.
After all, you have not really seen it, for you have not yet been there.

... but the time is coming!

As you imagine yourself surveying the vast horizons of your
far-off realm, you spot a distant yet familiar speck approaching
in the distance.  The Messenger has come once again!!!

... and you smile with anticipation!

The Messenger stops before you!  He must have recovered from
the hectic times at the beginning of the Practice Round, for
he is not as bedraggled and dusty as you last remember him.
In fact, dressed in his livery he appears a most omnipotent presence!
He speaks:

  "Welcome Warlord!!!  You have survived the Hardships: Registration,
   PBEM Certification, the Remailer, and thy foes in the Practice Round!!!
   Onward now....  The real war awaits you at last!!!"

As his flying carpet moves on, he tosses you a scroll....
You wish to look at it, but KNOW it is important to wait,
and at that instant....

You awaken!

As you have come to expect, these dreams have a way of coming true - and
your hands still clutch a scroll!!!  You open it up, and as you
read the scroll, the words practically speak themselves, the
magic scroll projects itself into reality, and everything you
try to read comes alive in your hands!

  You hear, off in the distance, a bell tolling...  The Call To Arms!
  You know, in the back of your mind and from the bottom of your
     heart, that it is time to march your forces off to that
     distant land where the next war will be fought.
  You feel, in your hands, the scroll expanding, into a giant
     Persian carpet, growing larger and larger.  It weighs nothing,
     and yet it grows larger than you, filling up your tent!
  You see, before you, an immense flying carpet, large enough
     to carry your entire army into battle!
  You command, and your army obeys.  Everyone is aboard.
  You take off - to the Olympic Wars!
  You blink - and realize you are now a thousand leagues
     away, standing in your new capital, your troops awaiting
     your command!
  You sniff the air, and quickly lift your shield and draw
     your sword, for you know the smell of battle, and you know
     the greatest battle of your life is about to begin!
  And you hear, in a mighty rumble, the very earth itself
     speaking the famous words...

       "LET ... THE ... OLYMPIC... WARS ... BEGIN!!!!!"


Derek Baird
Official Warlords II World Tournament Round Starter

c/o Ivan Baird, CET
Have a Good One!!!