Chesslike Warlords PBEM Settings

Last Revised 16-Aug-96 by Bob Heeter
Most PBEM settings are flexible for Chesslike Warlords, but there are some that are constrained by the philosophy of the game:
Turn-Change Setup to Eliminate Heroes
Players should end their turn and *begin* the next players turn. DECLINE ANY HEROES THAT ARRIVE. There are no heroes or allies in this game, and by making sure that your enemies don't accept them, you can be sure they won't use them to cheat, and then disband them.

All game email sent to all participants
This is a variant of the "Too Many Secrets" email ethics rule. All messages related to the game must be sent to all players, including any organizers/mediators. It's very efficient to simply to "reply to all" in sending out game mail; the game file itself can also be sent to all players. (This proved to be the most convenient approach in playtesting, especially with Random Turns on, when it becomes useful to see how a player moved when he/she sometimes receives two turns in a row.)

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