Note 16-August-96: Playtesting has identified some deficiencies in this Chesslike Warlords Army Set which have not yet been fixed. In any case I need to change the name, since this is no longer a tournament army set!

ReadMe - Bob's Tournament Army Set, Version 0.2 beta, Last Revised 1-Jun-96.
(Designed for use in Chesslike Warlords games where "revert" is allowed, 
and heroes and allies are banned.)

(1) In revertible games, combat strength is basically meaningless.  Any unit
can defeat any other unit, given enough reverts.  Why make it a hassle?
To minimize extra reverts caused by combat strength variations,
all units should be the same strength.

(2) In revertible games where all units are essentially equal strength,
combat bonuses are generally meaningless.
	=> All units should have strength 14 so no bonuses count.
	=> Unfortunately, units given strength 14 show up at strength 9 instead.
		But this should be okay.  For good measure, all units should cancel 
		city bonuses.  With no heroes and no city/fortify bonuses, no real
		bonuses will exist anyway, except for visiting temples, and the
		value of temple blessings is minimal, especially with intense combat.

(3) With all units of comparable strength, only speed, fly/hill/forest 
movement ability, build time, and cost can be varied.  All units should 
have costs and build times commensurate with mobility.

(4) To prevent runaway early growth using rapid-producing units such
as scouts, bats, etc., all units require at least two turns to build.  

(5) The economic aspects of the army set need to be thought through
carefully to allow players to support enough units to fight with, but
not so many that players can flood the map with troops.  Revertible combat
is easier with single units in one-on-one, chesslike combat where the
attacker is essentially guaranteed victory, so one wants enough units
to be able to defend in depth, but not so many that players can defend
anything with huge hordes of troops.  Players should be forced to trade 
off and leave some areas weakly defended in order to amass an
offensive force.  I haven't playtested the set enough to be sure 
I have this balance correct yet.
(6) Units have been allocated to different specialties based solely on
increasing movement ability:  normal, forest, hills, forest/hills, flight.

(7) Within each movement specialty, four classes of units exist.
In each category, specialties with better movement bonuses are penalized 
with lower movement points.

	+> Base units are slow, but take only 2 turns to build, cost only
		100 to install, 6 to build, and thus 3 to maintain.  These 
		provide for solid defense where mobility is less necessary.
	+> Intermediate units have a bit more speed, but cost more:
		150 to install, 10 to build, and 5 to maintain.  They still 
		take 2 turns to produce.  These are best for early expansion
		or when cash is plentiful, but are less economical
		for long-term production, although they're swifter to attack.
	+> High-end units are even speedier, but take 3 turns to produce,
		though they cost the same as base units.  
		These are good when a speedy offense becomes critical, and
		cash is scarce so you don't mind units taking longer to build.
	+> Elite units are fastest, but take 3 turns build and cost as much
		as the intermediate units.  If you've got cash to spare and need
		to move quick, these are your best bet.

I am still fine-tuning the army set (especially movements and costs), 
so ideas are welcome!

-- Bob Heeter

Bob's Tournament Armies Table:
                           Bonus   --- Costs ---
Unit Name  Str. Time Move  Movemt  Prod Retool  Notes (default equiv.)
Pikemen      9    2   10    none     6   100    Pikemen
Spearmen     9    2   10    none     6   100    Light Infantry
Swordsmen    9    2   13    none    10   150    Heavy Infantry
Catapults    9    2   13    none    10   150    Catapults
Knights      9    3   16    none     6   100    Heavy Cav.
Elephants    9    3   20    none    10   150    Elephants

Forest Specialists
Spiders      9    2    9     for     6   100    Spiders
Elves        9    2   12     for    10   150    Elves
Wolves       9    3   14     for     6   100    Wolfriders
Unicorns     9    3   18     for    10   150    Unicorns

Hills Specialists
Vikings      9    2    9    hill     6   100    Minotaurs
Dwarves      9    2   12    hill    10   150    Dwarves
Cavalry      9    3   14    hill     6   100    Light Cav.
Giants       9    3   18    hill    10   150    Giants

Forest/Hills Dual Specialists
Explorers    9    2    8  for/hil    6   100    Scouts
Wildmen      9    2   10  for/hil   10   150    Orcish Mobs
Elementals   9    3   13  for/hil    6   100    Elementals
Wizards      9    3   16  for/hil   10   150    Wizards

Flight Specialists
Bats         9    2    7    fly      6   100    Bats
Griffins     9    2    9    fly     10   150    Griffins
Pegasi       9    3   11    fly      6   100    Pegasi    
Angels       9    3   14    fly     10   150    Archons

Only half as fast as their nonspecialist counterparts, flyers are sometimes
the only way to get from here to there...

Unique Units
Navies       4    -   12   none 
Heroes       5    -    2   none 

Token "Allies"
Devils       1    6    2   none     50   -10    Kids on Halloween... 
Demons       1    6    2   none     50   -10    More Halloween kids...
Worms        1    6    2   none     50   -10    The kind birds eat...
Ghosts       9    6    2   none     50   -100   Who's afraid of ghosts?
Dragonflies  1    6    2    fly     50   -10    Look like dragons, but you
                                                swat 'em like flies.


Pikemen and Spearmen are functionally equivalent, as are Swordsmen and

For some reason WarCorrespondent doesn't allow me to set units with
forest movement to cancel city bonus.  Go figure.

Allies are not intended to be useful units.  Although I set their movement
to 2 in the army editor, the game gives them 6, which must be a minimum.
(I suppose otherwise units couldn't walk through hills!)  All the ally units
other than Ghosts are pathetically weak, take forever to build, are
tremendously expensive to maintain, and are barely worth sacking.

Ghosts are intended to inhabit vacant cities; sacking them for cash 
reduces the effective cost of installing the first build in a city.  
Build cost of 50 makes these units negative assets since I have 
standardized tournament cities at 24 income.

Ghosts are strong so heroes will have trouble defeating them, thus reducing
the temptation to keep a hero for a turn and cheat on offense.  But they are
no stronger than regular units, so taking over neutral cities is trivial and 
requires a small number of reverts.

I'll forego the rest of the unit descriptions since these are all 
familiar pictures and there are no other subtleties.

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